Wednesday, January 26, 2022

February 2022 Multifaith Calendar


February 1.

Lunar New Year

New Moon

UN: World Interfaith Harmony Week

February 2.

Wicca: Imbolc, Imbolg,Candlemas, Brigantia, Feast of the Waxing Light

UN: World Wetlands Day

February 3.

Shinto: Setsubun-sai

February 4.

WHO: World Cancer Day

February 5.

Hinduism: Vasanta Panchami

February 6.

Baha’i: Mulk

February 14.

Valentine’s Day

February 15.

Buddhism: Nehan-e, Nirvana Day

Canada: National Flag Day

February 16.

Buddhism: Magha

Full Moon

February 20.

Canada/USA: Brotherhood/Sisterhood Week

UN: World Day for Social Justice

February 21.

US: President’s Day

Canada: Family Day, AB,BC,SK,On,NB - provinces

Canada: Louis Riel Day, MB - Province

Canada: Islanders Day, Prince Edward Isle

Canada: Heritage Day, NS - Province

UNESCO: International Mother Language Day

February 23.

Canada: Anti-Bullying Day

February 25.

Baha’i: Ayy’am-H’a

February 26.

Islam: Laylat al Mi’raj

 A mentor of mine, Reverend Sandy Clark, sent me the multifaith calendar every year. She left the earth plane and to honor her Spirit I am now ordering my own and using excerpts of it for our monthly updates. This organization does such a terrific job. I recommend them highly. produced by the Multifaith Action Society.

One of my favorite quotes is by Ram Dass “We are all just walking each other home.” When we learn about other cultures, religions and nations we become fellow humans on this beautiful planet called earth.


Most Reverend Angela DeBry

Ekklesia Epignotika

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